Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Winter Break

Well, life is settling down in the Bilyou-Short household, at least for the next few weeks. Now that schools is out we're shifting our focus to all things Christmas! We have gone on the Polar Express, had 2 wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations, hung lights with family, set up the tree, decorated the house, baked cookies, strung popcorn, and started Christmas shopping. Christmas is nearing are there is still plenty to do. We have Zoo Lights on the horizon, peacock lane, ugly sweater shopping, and millions of movies to watch! It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Monday, October 19, 2009

All the leaves are brown..

So, it's been a few. Don't hate me. But I'm trying to start up the blog again. It's now fall season and we're adjusting to the weather quite nicely. We've started putting our fireplace to good use. Yesterday we made the annual journey to the Pumpkin Patch! It was quite a lovely day and next weekend we'll carve those wonderful pumpkins. We simply can not wait!

To catch you up.. Last month Little A turned the big 2! We had a really great party with our close friends and family. Brandon and I started school again so we're very busy, hence less blogging. I started my first job since Aubrey was born, and it seems we're always on the go.

We are looking forward to the holiday season with much enthusiasm. We have turkeys to roast and gifts to wrap galore! We can't wait to host a few party's at our new house. Time to break out Great Grandma's (Lala) good china!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer of Love

Well thanks to Grandma Debbie's advice we finally got around to checking out the Children's Museum! It was kind of a mad house but totally worth it. We got some awesome pictures and of course now I'm looking into a membership for there too! I suppose you can't have enough right? I have some favorite pictures I'm posting. Aubrey's first popsicle and her experiment with some tinted Burt's Bees chap stick- so pretty.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Beating the Heat.

It's official. Extreme heat is no bueno. I sincerely apologize for not blogging more often but my computer is in the attic where the heat is the worst. I could not stand to be up here unless absolutely necessary. Because of the heat we haven't really done that much. Thankfully we've had the basement to retreat too. We harvested our first cucumber from the garden. That was exciting! It tasted wonderful!

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20th

Well, it's been awhile and what can I say but I'm tired! Ha ha. We've been sprucing up the house spreading mulch and creating our cabana. We finally made it out to the zoo this weekend and it was fun. Of course the huge dinner bash that was looming around the corner made the trip a bit exhausting. We tried to cram to much into the day and today we are all a bit sluggish. Oh well, that's life! I've included a few pictures from the last few uneventful weeks.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July?

I can not believe it is the 4th of July already! The summer is flying by. We've been spending our days enjoying the extreme heat here in PDX. We've gone to the parks, made arts and crafts, and have walked around the neighborhood a lot! Brandon and I aren't what you'd call fireworks enthusiasts, so we spent our holiday picking berries! Random-- we know. It was really hot in the fields of Sauvies Island, but despite that, it was also kind of fun. Convincing Aubrey not to eat every berry proved to be the hard part. We got to pull Aubrey around in a wagon and we saw a pig that was probably 500 lbs. I'm not kidding, it could have fed a small country. It was a nice intimate family day. Hopefully tomorrow proves to be just as enjoyable!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Kick Off

Well, if Hawaii wasn't the right way to kick off the summer then I don't know what is. Now we've returned and are finally starting to get over the jet lag and life is still busy. We're enjoying some alone time now after being with family for a few weeks it's nice to have time to ourselves. Aubrey just started swim class. Aubrey is in love with swimming now. She really likes class so we'll see how the next few weeks go. Brandon and I are fighting over who gets to take her into the pool. I hope I keep winning! I'm just starting to plan out our summer calendar and it seems really full. We have one more big trip before summers over, I think it will be quite the adventure!